Buff October 2012 | Share Everything Here


..like an innocent kid

Another Kpop Biases Fanvids

Actually i've uploaded this video quite a long time ago.
These 2 videos are another fanmade video of my Kpop biases...

It's BAP's Daehyun and After School's Nana..
Just want to share..
edited with Ulead

Comments, critics, opinions are welcomed :D
thank you..

Copy paste

There are times when you need to copy and paste some words from the web to your Microsoft Words or Power Points and then some annoying things like highlighted-characters and jumbled-fonts happen.
Like this ?

Well usually i'll copy the words, paste them on notepad, then copy again,
and paste them on words or power points.
I often use this trick ( i don't know whether this is a trick or some kind of cheat, whatever ).
It's easy, and quite effective. 

You can't include the pictures anyway.

So that's all. i just want to share. i've been using this method since like 2 or 3 years ago.

beberapa hari terakhir ini terasa.. menyebalkan.
seperti biasalah, kalau bendungan kesabaranku udah jebol,
i'll do everything as i want. dan seperti biasa juga. 
i'll do the same to you, you and all of you as what you've done to me.
sebenarnya bukan kebiasaanku untuk membalas. tapi ya gitulah
kalau udah kebanyakan hal menyebalkan, i can break.

kadang aku bingung.
what's wrong with giving credits to my own works?
cuma kecil juga, aku nggak menempatkannya terlalu besar gitu.
kadang aku juga males..
kerja di belakang, dan orang-orang 'berkuasa' di sana lupa untuk memberikan gratitude, walaupun sedikit aja. aku bukannya pamrih atau apa. tapi piye perasaanmu nek kamu udah ngerjain bagianmu, hampir nggak tidur, ketiduran di kelas terus, dan setelah jadi they don't even give any credits.
kerjaanmu dilihat banyak orang, bukan atas namamu.
atau aku memang salah paham? whenever people praise me for something that isn't my work,
i've always give the right credits to the people who actually made it. apa itu salah?
kadang aku juga males dengan kata kata 'kita ini keluarga' .
hahha. being left, being used, being so unimportant, itu terjadi.

i know that i'm stupid.
aku nggak pernah bisa ngobrol, i've always been with myself only.
berkali kali nyoba membaur ya akhir akhirnya sama terus.
walking in the corridor alone, it hurts.
keeping what i'm thinking and feeling inside, it also hurts. 

mungkin beberapa hari ini aku akan enggan main.. ke tempat itu.

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